Emotional Release Therapy & Amanae Technique


This work has changed my life…

in so many ways. The most palpable differences that I have noticed in myself include: feeling more grounded, less anxious, more powerful, and less fearful. This work strengthens my connection to the light of my being. It allows me to see myself more fully; to embrace the vast range of all emotions more deeply. I feel more in touch with joy, pleasure, sorrow, grief, and anger. 

This hands-on bodywork engages with your inner landscape to connect with any repressed emotions or trauma. Within a heart-centered safe space, emotions may flow freely to be seen and heard and held without judgement. 

I was introduced to Emotional Release Therapy and the Amanae Technique in 2016 while attending my first 5-Day workshop in Sebastopol, California. After graduating from the California School of Emotional Release Therapy in 2018, I returned to the Twin Cities to open my practice. 

My offerings include: individual sessions, 1-day workshops, 3-day workshops, and 5-day workshops. 

For individual sessions you're welcome to come to the studio in Minneapolis.

Please contact me at healingartsbycm@gmail.com to set up a session or inquire about available workshops. 

This video, from Pat Jackman and Angelica King, shows an example of how an Emotional Release Therapy session might look. This article, The Amanae Experience, is an account of  CJ Stone's experience with another practitioner, Eric Lipin, in Europe. Releasing Your Pain, by the same author, goes into some history and more detail about this technique. This website has additional information on Amanae and the technique.